In what can only be described as a roller-coaster of emotions over the past month, we, the Australian Natural Therapists Association are absolutely elated to announce Myotherapy is permitted in every state and Remedial Massage is permitted in every state except Tasmania. We are hopeful that we will also have a green light from Tasmania shortly.

These results have not come about by chance. This is the result of an immense amount of advocacy, conversations with all state and territory departments and ministers, emails, carrier pigeons, you name it, we used it. This is also the result of 4 of our major industry associations, ANTA, ATMS, Massage and Myotherapy and us, MA coming together to provide one VERY LOUD voice. And it cannot go without being said that this is also the result of you, our members, strongly standing behind what you do, ensuring that your work is understood as an essential health service, contacting your own state and territory departments, and being proud to say, this is who we are, this is what we do, this is why we are essential.

Updated State Ruling Document

Saturday, 25th April 2020

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