Today a statement was released (see attached) from the Chief Allied Health Officer, Donna Markham regarding some minor changes to the ruling around allied health services in the Melbourne metro region.

Essentially, the statement reads that all AHPRA registered practitioners, in addition to audiology, dietetics, exercise physiology, orthotists and prosthetists, social work and speech pathology now have two additional situations where it would be considered appropriate to see a patient. These include assessment or diagnostics (for imaging or for the purpose of assistive technology) where further delay would result in deterioration, or to provide essential pre-operative or post-operative elective surgery care.

These reasons are in addition to the previously stated reason - To prevent a significant deterioration in functional independence which would result in an escalation of care needs (such as increased frequency in treatment, significant increase in pain, specialist input, or substantial increase in recovery time as a result of delayed care)

For non-AHPRA registered practitioners, the reasons for seeing patients remain mostly unchanged, in that they may only provide face to face services which would prevent a significant deterioration in functional independence resulting in an escalation of care needs (such as increased frequency in treatment, significant increase in pain, specialist input, or substantial increase in recovery time as a result of delayed care) for those people who are on an endorsed care plan.

To further clarify, this does not mean if a patient obtains a GP referral for treatment that they can see a non-AHPRA registered practitioner. They must have an endorsed care plan AND be presenting with a case that would otherwise seriously deteriorate, impact their ability to care for themselves and require specialist care.

Government modelling suggests that it will likely be around the 26th of October when Melbourne metropolitan practitioners will be able to return to seeing patients for more general purposes.

We understand the frustration of this situation and the strain it is putting on all of our Melbourne members, and we will continue to be here to support and provide up to date information for you as it becomes available. We are also vigilant in our role to seek out opportunity to contribute to government level conversations and exert influence where we can, to ensure all of our members can return to practice safely as soon as possible.

17th September 2020

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