This afternoon Premier Daniel Andrews made extensive announcements regarding the easing of restrictions.

We are thrilled to notify you that Melbourne metropolitan therapists will able to return to working in their clinical practices from Wednesday 28th of October (Tues 11:59pm).

The wait has been long and taxing and we fully appreciate that our Victorian, and especially our Melbourne community has had a very tough time.

A full run down of the most up to date statement can be found here -

As per our previous email, please make sure your COVID-Safe plan is up to date and that you are prepared with the appropriate PPE as you return to practice.

Home Based Clinics

Update here from the Chief Allied Health Officer.

To operate a ‘business from the home’, the owner/practitioner of the business must ensure their compliance with Victoria’s COVID-19 restrictions as follows;

  • The residential premise must be registered as a business premise and have a COVID-safe plan in place
  • A separate entry/exit point must be available for patients/clients to access the premise
  • Patients/clients cannot access any shared facilities in the owner/practitioner’s place of residence – including bathrooms/toilets and foyer areas
  • Density quotients, physical distancing and PPE requirements remain applicable
  • Patients/clients must wear a face covering for the duration of the intervention/treatment – the only exception being where a patient/client is legally exempt from the requirement to wear a face covering as per DHHS directives;

PPE Requirements

Recent changes to the requirements for PPE in clinical setting has meant that therapists are not required to wear eye coverings / face shields in addition to face masks, unless the therapist is in a high risk setting or dealing with high risk clients.

If you are ensuring your clients have been appropriately screened for COVID symptoms and you are not performing any therapeutic interventions that would put you in a situation where body fluid could come in contact with your face, then it is not considered necessary to wear face shields.

However, it is mandatory to wear disposable face masks at all time and of course to ensure that appropriate cleaning activities are performed at regular intervals. Please also ensure you have an up to date COVID-Safe plan in place.

Mobile Clinic Services

The Victorian Department of Health and Human Services has not as yet provided specific details on the suitability of home (or other) visits by therapists. However, by applying the requirements regarding hygiene and infection control, having a COVID-Safe plan for the clinical environment and other guidelines for the safe delivery of therapeutic services, it does not at this time seem to be appropriate that ANTA members would deliver their services in this manner. Please refrain from providing your services in your clients home / hotel room or other locations until such time that the government has provided further guidance.

As always, we are here and ready to support you in any way that we can.

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