Further to ANTA's email this morning, additional information has been added on the DHHS website in relation to the COVID-Safe Plan, please see below.

COVID-Safe Plan for ALL of Victoria

DHHS Victoria have provided a statement that the Public Health Commander requires a COVID-Safe Plan to be in place for ALL permitted workplaces across Victoria which have more than 5 employees. This applies to regional Victoria also.

The requirement is to have COVID-Safe plans in place by 11:59pm on Friday 7th of August 2020. We understand that this is very late notice, but the statement has just been provided to us, such is the nature of this evolving situation.

ANTA also recommends that employers put a COVID-Safe Plan in place regardless of the number of employees they have, so that they can demonstrate due diligence with regard to hygiene and safety, and be prepared in case the ruling changes.

This is the link to follow to source the required information - https://www.business.vic.gov.au/disputes-disasters-and-succession-planning/covid-safe-business/covid-safe-plan

For additional support on this matter, please phone the Business Victoria Hotline on 13 22 15.

Information for Practitioners Who Dispense Herbs

Please see the following link and note that “community based health services” which include allied health and others are permitted to operate at this time; https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/health-care-and-social-assistance-restrictions-covid-19

However, we need to be clear that this does not mean that those services are able to deliver face to face consultations with clients, and should only be dispensing via post to avoid contact.

Each person attending the workplace will need to have a Permitted Worker Permit provided by the employer, or if self-employed https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/permitted-worker-scheme-covid-19

*Note – except in situations where staff and/or practitioners themselves are required onsite to dispense herbal remedies, we recommend that staff and/or practitioners only work from home.

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